Social Network Analysis

   2022. április 7. - 2022. március 24.

TK – KRTK, 2022 spring

Dorottya Kisfalusi, Balázs Lengyel, László Lőrincz, Bence Ságvári

Location: Centre for Social Sciences - Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.

HTK K013-14 Meeting Room


- 7th April; 9-12 AM

- 14th April, 9-12 AM

- 21th April, 9-12 AM

- 28 th April, 9-12 AM

Course aim

The course intends to introduce the theoretical and methodological aspects of social network analysis.


Basic knowledge in R.

Preparations for the course

Participants are expected to use their own laptops. Please install R and Rstudio on your laptop prior to the first lab.

Downloading R:

Downloading Rstudio:


Week 1 (2*80 minutes)-  7th April: Introduction, elementary social network concepts, descriptive analysis

Week 2 (2*80 minutes) - 14th April: Visualization, spatial networks

Week 3 (2*80 minutes) - 21th April: Network models, introduction to exponential random graph models (ERGMs)

Week 4 (2*80 minutes) - 28th April: Modelling selection and influence in social networks: Stochastic actor-oriented models (SAOMs)